Project Reports

Project Reports

After completion of your grant-year with The Bo and Kerstin Hjelt Diabetes Foundation we would like you to submit a Project Report that will be presented on our web-site. The report should be structured in 4-5 comprehensive sentences divided as follows:

 Rationale = the medical/scientific context that raised the questions/aims

 Questions = The specific question(s) raised in your project plan

 Conclusions = The main results obtained during your project

 Importance = The importance of your findings in relation to the Rationale

 Please make the presentation subdivided according to the headlines above (in bold). It’s is extremely important that you write in layman language, for everyone to understand. The text can contain a maximum of 150 words. Your Project Report is submitted to before 31:st of August the year after the completion of your grant.

 Your report will be presented at

 The information will be presented at, for visitors to read, hopefully get interested in and maybe attract more contributions to the foundation, which will promote further research on Diabetes type II. And don’t forget that visitors on this homepage might have no medical or research experience!

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