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Mikael Storåkers and Henrik Åberg

The Art Foundation

Mikael Storåkers and Henrik Åberg
Bukowskis – an arena for art and antiques lovers

Venues: Åbo Akademi University, Turku, The Swedish School of Economics and Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki

Mr. Mikael Storåkers, General Manager for Bukowskis Auction House, Stockholm, and Head of Bukowskis Group, visited Åbo Akademi and described the company’s history and the work to build the business taking account of both tradition and the changes on the art market. In Helsinki he gave a most interesting lecture for the students at the Swedish School of Economics about how to rebuild a proud traditional name and logo in order to increase interest in the auction world for a new public.

The audience of Ateneum got an interesting insight into the auction business from Mr. Henrik Åberg, Head of Department at Bukowskis.

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